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Do you remember Alfred Robertson?

A while ago I was contacted by David Robertson who asked me questions as regards the Messenger Service as he was interested to find out about his late father who started in Darlington in 1928 aged 16. At the age of 18 after sitting the National Examination he was appointed a S.C.&T.(P) in Darlington Sorting Office. His father moved the family to Northumberland Heath (Erith Kent) to get work and Alfred transfered to Bexley Heath/Dartford Sub District and after 2 years transferred to Guildford to be near his soon to be wife. She lived in Guildford but worked in the CTO in London. They married in 1937 no rush in those days!
Alfred went into the R.A.F in the war as a Radio Officer serving in the Middle East. He rejoined the G.P.O. in 1946 becoming a Personnel Officer and at aged 46 in 1958 left to join the newly formed I.T.V. Television Service. He retired in 1977 aged 65.

David has a photograph of his father as a Messenger on a G.P.O. Motorcycle registration number CE1927. Are there any ex Messengers or ex S.C.&T's out there who remember him? We have some lads here in there 90's so who knows?

Mike Ex T901 Leicester

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    Response: superb paper
    I don’t know how to say thank you in proper words for this amazing work that you have done in such few time. Extremely talented you are that you have such a wonderful ability to meet the targets on the deadline.
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